因為各位博客世界的同學, 我將這個放下了多年的blog再度重開, 同學們, 大家猜到我是誰嗎?
不經不覺, 4節的課堂已過了一半, 還記得過去兩堂Sylvia和Erica的分享, 聽到她們因為寫blog的得著, 希望大家將來也能透過寫blog可以和更多人分享自己的生活和興趣! 雖然開初學習寫blog或有點艱難, 一點也不易, 但相信當我們開始掌握時, 便會慢慢感受到箇中樂趣!!
上一堂大家學習插入相片的功能, 各位有再應用嗎?
(圖片來源: http://www.katiedaisy.com )
此外, 知道中文輸入法對於很多人來說都會有點難度, 以下是一些小建議:
1) 如果你家中的電腦或者智能手機或平板電腦有手寫輸入法, 這是最方便快捷的!
2) http://www.cantoneseinput.com --> 這個網址也是我經常用到的, 可以使用倉頡, 速成, 甚至普通話或廣東話拼音, 但大家需要使用copy and paste (複製和貼上)的功能將文字轉移到你的blog中
3) 大家可考慮學習九方輸入法, 這是最簡便, 最易學會的輸入法 (http://www.y1.hk/q9/) (http://www.q9tech.com/web10/productIntro/retailSoftware/qfree/swIndex_qfree.php?dtlID=910)
好喇, 在此停筆, 星期五見到大家再詳談啦!
Dreamy White Cloud
finally have some spare time for the needleworks~~
i was tired and didn't bother to set the proper white balance. the name is indeed in "purple'. |
i originally visited the supervisor of my previous workplace last sunday. but unfortunately she was sick. would visit her and her new born baby later. this cross stitched piece was made with the 25ct evenweave cloth. though it takes a longer time, i like it much more than the usual 14ct cloth.
sucessfully made the buttons using the tools i bought at $10 shop. embroidered two birds. not very nice. will try other patterns next time. but i guess it looks better in the picture, using the special camera effect of iphone =p
i'm so tired... finally got a better sleep last night~
was in singapore for a week~ the lion king musical there was soooo great! i was like a child watching, feeling amazed and laughing in the show~ i enjoyed it sooo much!!
after coming back to hk, it was then a few busy days on work and sj. coz the new program on work started. and guess i won't have much time for handcrafts till the next public holidays come. but i'm not blaming on this. indeed, i gain much satisfaction from work these days. and feel so great that my supervisor recognizes my efforts by giving me an "excellent" in my annual appraisal~ he said i'm the second one to obtain this high score from him throughout these sixteen years... i'm rily rily delighted~! though there's still a long way to go, before i become as smart as him.
more handcraft thing to share here. found these embroidered bookcover of the penguin classiscs! it totally amazed me!!
i've been searching for embroidery ideas only on japanese magazines, books and websites before~ but i've found this Sublime Stitching from the States which rocks!! and it accepts international orders!!!
was in singapore for a week~ the lion king musical there was soooo great! i was like a child watching, feeling amazed and laughing in the show~ i enjoyed it sooo much!!
i've spent so much on the lion king gifts. bought zazu, pumpa, and timon back home. simba and nana won't be as lonely as before. =) |
before i went to singapore, i've made the aloe vera soothing mist and gel mask. and it's a wise choice for me to make that before my trip. coz the sun there rily killed me! |
after coming back to hk, it was then a few busy days on work and sj. coz the new program on work started. and guess i won't have much time for handcrafts till the next public holidays come. but i'm not blaming on this. indeed, i gain much satisfaction from work these days. and feel so great that my supervisor recognizes my efforts by giving me an "excellent" in my annual appraisal~ he said i'm the second one to obtain this high score from him throughout these sixteen years... i'm rily rily delighted~! though there's still a long way to go, before i become as smart as him.
more handcraft thing to share here. found these embroidered bookcover of the penguin classiscs! it totally amazed me!!
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http://www.jilliantamaki.com/embroidery/penguin-threads/ |
i've been searching for embroidery ideas only on japanese magazines, books and websites before~ but i've found this Sublime Stitching from the States which rocks!! and it accepts international orders!!!
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